Cast of Characters analytic events

Main events

Event Category Action Label
Recirc link {internal/outbound} links cast of characters recirc to: {url}
Inline link (in intro or character copy) {internal/outbound} links cast of characters inline to: {url}
CTA in view scroll tracking CTA in view {header/bottom} Cast of Characters {project}
CTA button clicked {internal/outbound} links cast of characters cta {header/bottom} to: {url}
Section link navigation, at the top navigation Cast of Characters category Jump to category
Social share Outbound links Cast of Characters share {network} share
Social button: page URL is copied content Copy URL clicked copy {URL copied}
End of page reached scroll tracking end of page cast of characters ${top.cast_project}
Back to top button nav back to top cast of characters

Searching and filtering

Event Category Action Label
Text search (throttled to every 1s) content filter panel Filtered by text
Text search cleared via (X) button content filter panel Text input cleared
Filter checked, from Filters category content filter panel Filtered by label
Character label clicked, triggering a filter content character label Filtered by label
Mobile filters toggled cast of characters mobile filters open

Card layout events

Event Category Action Label
A card is clicked/tapped and flipped over. content grid Card back side {revealed\|hidden}
The "flip all" button is used content grid all cards flipped {back\|front}
The "hint" flip animation is viewed scroll tracking hint card seen cast of characters {cast_project}, category: {category}
(deprecated May 31, 2022) A card is clicked/tapped and flipped over. cast of characters Character card flip Card back side {revealed\|hidden}
(deprecated May 31, 2022) The "flip all" button is used cast of characters flip cards global all cards flipped {back\|front}

Roadblock events

Event Category Action Label
Sign in link clicked Cast of characters_{project slug} sign in inbound link
Sign up link clicked Cast of characters_{project slug} subscription/registration inbound link

Both the register and subscribe URLs are loaded with query params. The sign-up link has a reg_source (registration) or gps-source (subscriptions) param of cast-of-characters_{project-slug}_{header|roadblock}.