Analytics (deprecated)

These are old events, preserved for posterity, that were compatible with pre-v4 Google Analytics.


Deprecated May 9, 2023

Some old, string-only style. Others are modern. {project} refers to the slug of the quiz project, such as news-quiz or featured-sports-plus-quizzes

Questions are 1-indexed, not zero-indexed.

Startup/splash view

Event String Category Action Label
User logs in by clicking on our button quiz sigh in inbound link
User clicks sign up button quiz registration inbound link
User clicks subscribe button quiz subscription inbound link
User clicks "start quiz" quiz-started-{project}
User clicks on CTA (such as to games page) quiz-cta-link-clicked-{project}

Question navigation

Event String Category Action Label
User uses quiz-question nav quiz-{prev/next}-button-from-${visibleQuestion}-{project}
User jumps to a question using dot nav quiz-dot-from-{visibleQuestion}-to-{targetQuestion}-${project}
User jumps to question using <select> (mobile view or long quizzes) quiz-select-jump-from-{visibleQuestion}-to-{targetQuestion}-${project}


Event String Category Action Label
Users selects reponse multi-choice (might look different for diff question types) quiz-question-{visibleQuestion}-of-{totalQuestions}-answered-{type, i.e. multiple choice}-{user answer}-{project}
User skips quiz--question-${$visibleQuestion}-of-${totalQuestions}-skipped-${type}-${url_slug}
User gets hint quiz-question-${$visibleQuestion}-of-${totalQuestions}-hint-${type}-${url_slug}
User completes quiz, score recorded quiz-completed-${score.score}-of-${score.possible}-in-${score.time}ms-${url_slug}

Summary View

Event String Category Action Label
Last summary element scrolls into view quiz-summary-last-question-in-view-${url_slug}
User clicks on summary link quiz-summary-link-clicked-question-${questionIndex}-of-{totalQuestions}-{url_slug}
Social share quiz-share-button-click-{network or action (i.e. copy url)}-{project}

Project landing pages

Event String Category Action Label
User logs in by clicking on our button quiz sigh in inbound link
User clicks sign up button quiz registration inbound link
User clicks subscribe button quiz subscription inbound link
User clicks on an individual quiz, to take it quiz link from section {quiz position} to:{url}