In-Depth analytic events

Ambient audio

Event Category Action Label
Audio is enabled/disabled content {trigger element id} ambient audio toggled {on / off} with {floating button / top cta}
An ambient clip plays to the end content {trigger element id} ambient audio audio finished


Event Category Action Label
The audiogram scrolls into view scroll tracking audiogram in view
Restart button is clicked content audiogram restarted
Audio is paused content audiogram paused
Audio is played content audiogram played

Audio Pullquote

Event Event string
The audio is played audio-pull-quote-play-{ replaced asset ID }
The audio is paused audio-pull-quote-pause-{ replaced asset ID }
The plays to the bitter end audio-pull-quote-played-to-end-{ replaced asset ID }


When a reader follows a link qith a query parameter denoting the spot where they left off. This could be from an SMS reminder or from anything.

Event Category Action Label Event string
The "welcome back" dialog displays Content Bookmark Show dialog -
Reader clicks to scroll to the bookmark - - - in-depth-bookmark-scroll-to-element-click-{article presto ID}
Reader dismisses the dialog - - - in-depth-dismiss-bookmark-dialog-click-{article presto ID}

Calls to action

Event Category Action Label
When the CTA scrolls into view scroll tracking cta in view
When the button is clicked {internal / outbound} links cta to: {Page URL}
When the button for the "convenience" comments CTA is clicked. internal links comments cta to: {Page URL}
When the "swap" CTA button is clicked. {internal / outbound} links cta-subscriber-swap-{newsletter / app} to: {Page URL}

Comments (end-of-story)

Event Category Action Label Event string
End-of-story CTA scrolls into view scroll tracking end-comments-cta in view
End-of-story CTA is clicked - - - click-end-comments-cta

Copy URL

Event Category Action Label
Component scrolls into view scroll tracking copy-url-{top/bottom} in view
Button is clicked to copy url content copy-url-{top/bottom} copy-url-clicked-copy


Event Category Action Label
The component has scrolled into view scroll tracking capsule in view
The capsule is collapsed content capsule capsule hide body
The capsule is opened content capsule capsule show body
The capsule is collapsed by the end-of-capsule button content capsule capsule read and hide
A link to something else is clicked internal links capsule to: {Page URL}


Event Category Action Label
A glossary link in the article text is clicked content glossary <highlighted article text>
The glossary popup is closed/dismissed content glossary glossary closed


Event Category Action Label Event string
A collapsed photo caption is toggled content caption {hide\|show} caption -
Zoom feature used on a photo - - - in-depth-zoom-image-{photo asset ID}-in-article-{presto ID}

Image slider

Event Category Action Label
The component has scrolled into view scroll tracking image slider in view
The image is slid with a dragger gallery image slider {horizontal\|vertical} image slider dragged
The image is cross-faded (not dragged) gallery image slider fade image slider x-faded

Language selection

Event Category Action Label
Reader follows a link to an alternate-language version of a story internal links language select to: {Page URL}


Event Category Action Label
The component has scrolled into view scroll tracking list block in view
A link is clicked in a list {internal\|outbound} links list block to: {Page URL}

Multi-image layout

Event Category Action Label
A layout has scrolled into view scroll tracking multi image in view
A silent movie in a multi-image layout is toggled play/pause video multi image video toggle

Next up

Event Category Action Label
The next story story has been fetched and is (theoretically) ready scroll tracking next up next story fetched


Event Category Action Label
A notebook link in the article text is clicked content notebook {link text}
A notebook link in the article text is clicked, and the drawer is premium & blocked content notebook {link text} \| "blocked"
The notebook drawer is closed content notebook notebook closed
A link in the notebook entry (i.e. the drawer is open) is clicked {internal\|outbound} links noteboook to: {this.href}
A reader clicks on the subscribe link when the notebook is premium internal links in depth cta {linked URL}
A reader clicks on the register link when the notebook is registered only internal links in depth cta {linked URL}
A reader clicks on the sign-in link when the notebook is not free internal links in depth cta, {linked URL}


Event Category Action Label
A layout has scrolled into view scroll tracking oembed oembed viewed

Pull quotes (shareable)

Event Category Action Label
The component has scrolled into view scroll tracking shareable quote in view
The component is media-enhanced and has scrolled into view scroll tracking shareable media quote in view
The text of the quote has been copied content shareable quote shareable quote clicked copy
One of the share buttons is clicked outbound links shareable quote {social network\|mailto\|webshare} share

Reader later (reminders)

Event Category Action Label
Reader opens the reminder signup tray Content Read Later open
Reader closes the signup tray before finishing Content Read Later Close
Reader declines a second item to read later Content Read Later Declined second item
Reminder app is loaded, and the story has displayed it (i.e. "in view") Content Read Later article loaded
Verification code sent Content Read Later Verification code sent
Error sending/returing verification code Content Read Later Verification code error
SMS reminder sent Content Read Later SMS reminder sent
Error sending SMS Content Read Later SMS reminder error

Recirculation, series

Event Category Action Label
The component has scrolled into view scroll tracking series recirc in view
The carousel is scrolled scroll tracking series recirc scroll
A click on a recirc item navigation series recirc to: {Page URL}

Recirculation, vertical

Event Category Action Label
The component has scrolled into view scroll tracking vertical recirc-{contentpackage ID} in view
A recirc link is clicked navigation vertical recirc to: {Page URL}


Event Category Action Label
The component has scrolled into view scroll tracking roadblock in view
Sign in button click internal links roadblock roadblock {subscription\|registration} sign in
Susbcribe button click internal links roadblock roadblock {subsription\|registration} referral

Scroll interlude

Event Category Action Label
The component has scrolled into view scroll tracking scroll interlude in view
When the next slide has appeared scroll tracking scroll interlude slide {index of visible}
A reader has finished the interlude scroll tracking scroll interlude interlude completed

Scroll progress indicator

Event Category Action Label
The reader has scrolled n percent through the article scroll tracking progress bar story {25\|50\|75} complete

Serial navigation

Event Category Action Label
The component has scrolled into view scroll tracking serial nav in view
Reader clicks forward on serial nav navigation serial nav serial nav advance
Reader clicks back on serial nav navigation serial nav serial nav back
A reader clicks on a serial nav link navigation serial nav to: {Page URL}


Event Category Action Label Event string
When the component pops into view scroll tracking shareline in view -
When the share button is clicked while floating outbound links shareline floating click -
When the share button is clicked while positioned statically outbound links shareline fixed click -
When the floating shareline is dismissed - - - shareline-clicked-close-button-${this.prestoID}

Share buttons

These events are used in generic share buttons (NOT sharable pullquote). For example, chapter formats

Event Category Action Label Event string
URL is copied - - - storytelling-indepth-article-url-copied-{id of shared element/url}
Share! - - - storytelling-indepth-share-{twitter\|facebook\|native\|UNKNOWN TYPE\|email}-{id}

SMS Text Message emulator

Event Category Action Label
When the component pops into view scroll tracking text-message in view
The reader has scrolled the messages pane to see more/less of the messages scroll tracking text message emulator scroll messages
The reader has clicked the "see all" button content text message emulator see all click

Subscriber thank-you CTA

Event Event string
The button is clicked in the CTA in-depth-subscriber-thank-you-cta-button-click-{ PrestoID }


Possibly deprecated tool

Event Category Action Label
The component has scrolled into view scroll tracking tip submission in view
Link is followed outbound links tip submission to: {Page URL}

Topper (fullscreen)

Event Event string
The "scroll down" prompt is clicked fullscreen-topper-scroll-prompt-click-{ PrestoID }

Topper (scrolly)

Event Category Action Label
Reader finishes the topper scroll tracking scrolly topper scrolled to end
Reader skips the topper scroll tracking scrolly topper skip intro
Reader starts over scroll tracking scrolly topper reset to top

Video (Teal Player)

Event Category Action Label
Looping poster scrolls into view scroll tracking video poster loop in view

Video Playlists

Event Category Action Label
Advance the video list navigation video-playlist video-playlist-advance
Previous in video list navigation video-playlist video-playlist-back