Cast of Characters

Cast of Characters is a presentation framework designed to present a series of entities (people, organizations, events, etc.) in short, easily-referenced pieces. The entities, or characters, can be organized, labeled, filterd and searched. This tool is good for reference documents to accompany large projects (i.e. a "who's who?"), or a friendly way to present large groupings of information.

Examples include:

See the complete list of projects where you can search and filter for different features in action.

Starting a new Cast of Characters project

Start by contacting the Storytelling Studio via the pitch form. For now, there is no self-service option.

You will get a Google spreadsheet. This is the core of your project. All the information and configuration will live here. You will be able to preview and publish your page using this spreadsheet. It contains several key sections/tabs (each discussed in more detail through this documentation):

Formatting text

To format text (bold, italic, links, multiple paragraphs, etc.) where it is supported, use markdown, a dead-simple syntax for adding basic formatting:

Format Type this Get this
Italic *This is italicized* This is italicized
Bold **This is bold** This is bold
Paragraphs Use two returns/line breaks between grafs. In Google Sheets, shift + return adds line breaks to text (instead of leaving the spreadsheet cell). Example can't be rendered here
Links This is a link to []( This is a link to

All inline links will open in a new tab. This is not standard for markdown, but an added feature of the Cast of Characters framework.


Publishing both to the public page as well as a VPN-only preview page can be trigggered through a spreadsheet plug-in. Use the Publish or Preview link in the Extensions drop-down menu. Publishing should take a minimum of 3 minutes before changes are relfected on the pages, but not more than 5 or 6. If things seem amiss, try publishing again then reaching out to the Storytelling Studio.

A screenshot of a Google Spreadsheet, with the custom Publish link selected


The first time you publish, you will need to approve the custom publishing script we've written. You'll get some very ominous warnings from Google about unsafe scripts and the like. These can safely be ignored. The Storytelling Studio has written this script and it is safe. More details and a step-by-step are available here.

Page URLs

This information also is available in the _README spreadsheet tab. The eventual URLs will be:

In-Depth compatibility

This app is optimized for two uses:

  1. As a standalone page
  2. As a "next up" story in In-Depth

For the most part, the page is rendered the same in either case with a few small changes. The theming colors configured in the In-Depth story are "connected" to the Cast of Characters, overriding anything set in the Cast spreadsheet. This includes themeColor, backgroundColor and theme.

To use a Cast of Characters as a next-up story, in the in-depth configuration, don't use nextStoryAssetID but instead nextStorySource.

The nextStorySource takes not an ID, but a URL. The link helper from the Extensions menu will tell you the url, as will the _README tab in the spreadsheet.

Talk to the Storytelling Studio if you have any questions.