Project metadata

Project view

The project metadata form features a number of required fields that must be completed before a graphic novel can be published. These include a project name, slug, title, description, author(s) and share image.

The form also displays some information for your convenience. There are timestamps showing the last time the project was saved and the time and date of initial publication and links to the novel on "preprod" (to share with editors) and the final, published version.

Project name

Give your project a unique name to differentiate it from others in the projects list. The name can be changed at a later date, if need be, as projects are managed on the back end using the unique id displayed next to the Project Name label.


This field will auto-fill based on the project name the first time that value is entered. After that, the two fields are independent of each other. The slug will be part of the final url for the novel.


The title is what people will see as the headline for search results for your novel. It will also be displayed when the page is shared through social media. It should run 50-70 characters in length.


The description is a shore summary of your novel and, similar to title, has search and social media implications. It should run 50-160 characters in length.


The writer and illustrator for the project.


Use this popup menu to select the property under which your graphic novel is to be published. If your site isn't listed, contact someone in the Storytelling Studio.


SSTS refers to the section, subsection, topic and subtopic. Your novel may not have all four, but it should have at least a section value, for example, "news", "sports" or "opinion". If it has more than just section, separate the values with a forward slash: "news/climate-change."


A comma-separated list of keywords relevant to the project.

Share text

Defaults to the value entered under Title. If you want something different, put it here.

Share image

Enter the url for a share image here. The easiest way about this is to use the Assets Panel to upload your image, click the gear icon on the image thumbnail, click the Copy URL button, then paste the url into this field.

Next Story ID/Next Story Site Code

This is likely not something you'll need to worry about, but it allows us to designate a story to load after the graphic novel when the reader has scrolled to the end of the novel using the id assigned to the story in Presto. The site code input defaults to whatever is chosen in the Site input but can be overridden in the rare circumstance that the story won't load under that site.

Paywall Type

Graphic novels are free to all readers by default but can be changed to registgered-user-only or subscriber-only using this dropdown. A restricted novel will show only a pre-determined number of pages before displaying a prompt to subscribe or register (or sign in). The number of pages shown before the prompt can be changed with the control that appears when an option other than free is selected.