
When you are satisfied with your graphic novel's layout and all of the required metadata has been entered, you're ready to click that big green Publish button.

Publish button

Publish button

The first thing you'll notice is that you have two options: Publish Preview and Publish Final. Publish Preview will publish a pre-production version of the novel. This is useful for sharing with editor and other stakeholders before the live, public-facing version goes out. After choosing this option, use the "Preview URL" under Project Metadata to share your work.

Invalid metadata flag

When you're ready to publish the final work, select Publish Final. The app will run a brief validation of metadata and alt text for images. If problems are found, an alert will appear in the nav bar with a "Show me" link to point out the problem. If now problems are found, the "Published" timestamp under Project Metadata will be updated and the "Published URL" will be live.

Invalid metadata flag

To unpublish a novel, select Unpublish from the dropdown.

Presto promo ID

New promo form

Although the final url for your graphic novel looks like a typical url, the id at the tail end of it is not a Presto ID. For that, you'll need to create a promo in Presto.

Open and select your Gannett property from the drowdown menu on the right side of the nav bar.

Click Images in the left column, then Upload Images. Select your share image and fill out the upload form. You'll need this image when you create the promo in the next step.

Click on Promos in the left column, then click the + New Promo button at the top of the page. Enter a headline and promo brief, then click Add Promo Image and search for the image you just uploaded.

In the "Article URL" field, enter the the "Published URL" found under Project Metadata, and for "Classification", search for the SSTS value you entered.

Consult your editor for a value for "Front Assignments."

Turn the "Exclude from backfill" slider to "ON" and click Publish.

Invalid metadata flag

The form will close, and your promo will appear at the top of the list. Click the green circle on the left side of the row, then click the Prestio ID (the number a the top with the copy icon next to it) to copy it to your clipboard. This is the ID you can share with your editor or designer.