Getting Started

What is an In-Depth story?

The In-Depth Framework was created with some very specific goals in mind — to give our best journalism its best-possible presentation, and to reinforce to readers the value of our work. Not every story is a good fit for production as an In-Depth.

A simple test of a good candidate for an In-Depth story is to ask if a subscriber is likely to skim it and think, “Now, this is why I pay for a subscription”; or if a non-subscriber would take in the story and be more likely to seek us out again the next time the need for news or information arises.

Ultimately, the impact achieved through an In-Depth story must be balanced against the extra work needed to create it. If the expected audience engagement — measured in engaged time, depth of session, return visits or consideration of subscription offers — does not exceed the engagement we’d get from the story in a standard Presto article, it’s not a good use of our limited resources.

Requesting access to In-depth

To work with the In-Depth tools, you need the Storytelling Studio chiclet in Okta.

The Storytelling Studio+ chiclet in Okta

To acquire the chiclet, go to your OKTA Dashboard and click on the Service Desk button to start the process for setup.

In the Service Now portal click on the "Access Request" button.

Next type in "StorytellingStudio+" in the search field that reads "Search Assests Request Items."

This will trigger a page that will ask why you want access to In-Depth.

Add the access to checkout and finally you will be asked to confirm your access request so that it can be approved.

How does In-Depth work?

All In-Depth stories start with a Presto file. The text and assets are always created, uploaded and managed there.

Where In-Depth diverges from a standard web article is the authoring configuration. An extra layer of information about how to arrange and present the In-Depth story and its assets is created in the In-Depth authoring suite; the “Storytelling Studio” template setting in Presto tells the Gannett web infrastructure to look for this alternate configuration when a user clicks on an In-Depth link and the browser renders the page.

Key point: Creation of an In-Depth article requires both a setting in Presto and the publishing of a configuration file from the In-Depth authoring suite.



Working with Presto


Assets from Presto


CDN paths to images


Story optimizations

We've built in some automated alerts around story performance. They aren't perfect, but will offer some of the Storytelling Studio's data-driven guidance in real tips specific to your story.

More here: Story Optimizations Documentation