
In-depth articles display two advertisements. The first appears approximately halfway through the article with a second appearing at the end, near the timestamp. Longer stories, with at least ~ 21 paragraphs and visual items, have a third advertisement around the sixth paragraph.

How do I turn off ads?

The advertisement setting in Presto

By default, In-Depth stories respect the ad setting in Presto (seen at the right). If you want ads enabled/disabled on an In-Depth story, then do it there. There are rare instances where you might want ads enabled in presto but suppressed in the In-Depth. Set the productionAdsEnabled value to false inside an {ads} configuration block.

value purpose default
productionAdsEnabled If set to false, ads will not display. true

For performance reasons, In-Depth previews (what you see in the editor and preview links) display placeholder ads. Because previews can't read the advertisment setting in Presto, the ad settings are configured seperately.

value purpose default
previewAdsEnabled If set to false, ads will not display. true


The settings for preview and production/published ads do not affect each other. Unless specifically configured, ads will display in a published story even if preview ads are disabled.

Can I move the ads?

In the order they appear in the story, the first and middle ads' placement is approximate, and sometimes they present awkwardly with other elements in the story. Ads can be nudged up or down, one paragraph/visual element at a time, with the following optional settings in the {ads} configuration block:

value purpose default
firstAdOffset A positive number moves an ad that many elements later/down in the story. A negative number moves it earlier/up 0
middleAdOffset An offset value for the ad in the middle of the story 0

I don't see any ads!

There are several reasons why you might not see any ads:

The presto article is too short

Very short stories only get an ad in the footer of an article, along with the timestamp. Longer stories will get an ad about in the middle and long stories (21+ paragraphs) will get another ad higher up. If you don't see any ads, it's possible the story (in presto), just isn't long enough. Try adding some paragraphs.

The ads are being swallowed by asset replacements/swaps

Many In-Depth features involve replacing assets or blocks of text with advanced layouts or custom tools. This includes, for example, storytellingEmbed usage and chapter replacement. It is possible for an ad to get "swallowed" up by these features. If you expect ads in your longer story but don't see them, try offsetting their placements to see if they appear.

My story is too short but I need ads.

If you find yourself in a bind, and need to force an ad onto the page you can set that in the {ads} configuration block.

value purpose default
firstAdForce If set to true, an ad position will be added to the story regardless of its length, after the first paragraph. false

Example configuration

previewAdsEnabled: false
firstAdOffset: 2
middleAdOffset: -4
firstAdForce: true

This ad rarely used as it is usually the result of a direct sale campaign. It is integrated within to topper area of InDepth articles and can be moved around to fit the needs of that story.

Sponsor Logo is enabled in the topper and the sponsor logo ad has to be served by the ad platform just like all the rest of the ads

Sponsor logo ads implementation should involve the ads team for a in order to target page(s) for an advertisement campaign.
Should be tested with the following query string parameter at end of the preview URLs after enabling sponsor logo [preview url here]?usatai=7070&usatan=usatoday&usatl=brandlock

Configuration options

Sponsored logo configuration is placed in the {storyTopper} block.

value purpose default required
sponsorLogo Must be true to enable the ad slot on the page. false Yes
sponsorPosition When set to top, the logo sits above the entire topper. When set to bottom it will sit atop the headline, wherever it is placed top -
sponsorWidth Ad people will tell you how wide the ad call should be 150 Yes
sponsorHeight Ad folks will tell you how tall the ad call should be. 50 Yes
sponsorBackground Optionally, the background of the ad container can be set to any valid CSS color, including transparent #fff -
sponsorLogo: true

Example with the logo explicitly set at the top

sponsorPosition: top
sponsorLogo: true

Example with the logo at the bottom

sponsorLogo: true
sponsorPosition: bottom