
Capsules are small, collapsible pieces of content that can be inserted into a story. Raw HTML content is stored in a presto-based embed and is reformatted as a capsule. The presto embed is the targeted asset. This component will not render when targeting any other asset type. Only embeds.

When to use

Capsules are a good place to put small sidebars and other short asides. Ideal uses are editor's notes, short sidebars and other ancillary content that doesn't make sense as its own Presto file. This is not the place for long or even medium-length blobs of content (such as timelines) or a collection of small blurbs (such as person profiles). Quick bites only.


Capsules can be confused for the main article content when placed in the content well (or larger). It is recommended that capsules be placed in a rail position. There aren't any style or design options, other than position and layout, so configuration is pretty simple.

You can specify a capsule headline and main image, separate from the contents of the embed. Yes, the ID will be used twice per capsule.

Presto embed content

Embeds in presto take HTML content, so whatever you add there should be valid HTML. Links are okay and paragraphs should be wrapped in

tags. Additional header elements and other HTML items are allowed; but, remember brevity is key. SHORT!

Example Configuration

storytellingComponent: oembed-capsule
headline: This is the capsule headline

What about Google AMP and Apple News?

The formatted capsule will not display on these platforms, but the embed contents will.


You can view live examples in the In-Depth demo pages and in the following stories:
