
Early support

Gannett is implementing the Coral commenting platform across our properties. As the technology remains somewhat new, support in In-Depth should be considered experimental. As we learn more about the features and opportunities offered by Coral, we'll add them. Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions, comments, concerns and/or (especially) ideas.

Coral comments is supported on most, but not all, Gannett properties. If comments will not render in your in-depth story, but appear elsewhere on a property's website, then please reach out to the Storytelling Studio.


Presto settings for comments Comments can be disabled on a per-story basis in Presto. In-Depth features will respect this setting.

Call to action

In-Depth supports an end-of-story call to action for readers, linking to a standalone page with the story's comments. Because of the way commenting is deployed throughout the company, comments cannot generally be shared across properties, even if a story is. For example, a story published on will have it's own, unique set of comments. That same story, shared on, will have a different set of comments.

An end-of-story Coral comments CTA


The call to action should be configured inside a {comments} block.

The end-of-story CTA requires comments to be enabled by setting the enable property to true. The CTA's prompt will read, by default, "Join the conversation about this story" and the button label will be "View Comments." Both of these can be reconfigured as in the example below. Comments are enabled by default in presto. If they are disabled in presto, this CTA will not display. The module will inherit the story's theme color.

value purpose required default
enable If set as true, the CTA will render if comments are enabled and allowed on that site Yes false
prompt The CTA text. No "Join the conversation about this story"
buttonLabel The button text No "View comments"

Example Configuration

enable: true
prompt: Comment on this story
buttonLabel: Speak!


Event Action Category Label
In view scroll tracking in view end-comments-cta
Button click click-end-comments-cta