Story Highlights

Story Highlights accompanying a Presto story are rendered by default at the top of the story. They can be added to an article in Presto using the input controls under Advanced Options.

The list gets placed at the very top of the story, immediately after the topper. To push it down, say past an editor's note, use the offset config property.

Highlights can be positioned with any of the standard asset positioning controls. The title, by default, has a bold top border, but it can be reconfigured to have a theme-color, edge-to-element-edge background instead. Colors for the top border or title box can be reconfigured, as well.

Story Highlights render after the byline but before first paragraph.

When to use

Story Highlights give readers a quick glance at article findings or plot points. Use them to get to the point of any story.


value purpose required default
offset The number of elements to shift story highlights down the page. No 0
title Changes title from default. No "Story Highlights"
noTopBorder Removes the default bar from above the title. No false
titleBox Removes top border, adds theme-color background over the title. No false
serif Changes highlights text style from default. No Article theme value
noSeparators Removes default separator lines between highlights. No false
themeColor Changes theme color from default. No Article themeColor
themeColorText Changes text theme color from default. No Article text color
position Supports all standard positions.
layout Supports all standard layouts.

Sample configuration

hide: false
offset: 0
titleBox: true
noSeparators: true
themeColor: #D0021B
position: left-large