Subscriber thank-you

When a reader isn't logged in and views a free story, we show a CTA encouring them to become a subscriber. When a subscriber encouters that same CTA, we instead show a "Thank you" message that offers other ways to stay engaged, like signing up for a newsletter.

This happens automatically unless disabled.


value purpose required default
showThankYou Whether to show this component, or nothing No true
thankYouText Message to subscribers, showing gratitude No "Stories like this are possible because of our subscribers like you. Your support will allow us to continue to produce quality journalism."
hideCta Hide the CTA attached to this component No false
thankYouCtaText A suggestion for something else to do, like signing up for a newsletter No "Stay up to date by signing up for one of our newsletters."
thankYouCtaButtonText Button text No "Sign up"
thankYouCtaLink CTA link No Default newsletter signup page


This component only fires one event:

event label
Button click in-depth-subscriber-thank-you-cta-button-click-{prestoID}