List formats

Configuring a list format

Like most chapter-based options, you can set your options globally in the {chapterHeaders} block and/or for a specific chapter with a {chapters.n} block, where n is the number of the chapter, starting with 1.


Configuration options for all formats

property values default required
imageBetween An interstitial image or flourish can be displayed between chapters. This should be an absolute URL to an image on the CDN. None No.
imageBetweenFirst The imageBetween can, optionally, be displayed before the first chapter, too, with a value of true false No.
themeColor To add visual variation, you can select a new theme color for a chapter by supplying a valid CSS color (e.g. hexadecimal or rgb()) Article's themeColor No.

Share buttons

Share buttons for each chapter are supported for all formats, unless otherwise noted. These appear as buttons at the bottom edge of each chapter.

property values default required
enableShare Must be true for share buttons to appear. true No.
shareText The prompt rendered to the right of the sharing buttons "Share this story" No.

The list formats

List formats rely on specific arrangement of text in the Presto file. Each list item should begin with an h2 subhede. The ensuing content is fully-supported in-depth content, meaning all the usual feeatures available in more traditional in-depth stories are available here, too.

Some templates further use specific grafs from each chapter in different ways. Those are detailed below.

Format: ListA

This format displays the text of the h2 subhede in a colored box and presents the next two grafs in small italics underneath. The rest of the story is rendered as a standard indepth.

A tan screenshot of a listA format, featuring a short blurb and a grayscale photo of singer Loretta Lynn

Example: Kentucky's Women of the Century: Meet the inspiring women from the Bluegrass State


property values default required
listFormat listA none yes

Format: ListB

A white screenshot of a listB format article with an icon map of Iowa.

This format uses a serif motif, with the first graf of the chapter displayed in italic.

Example: ‘This is not the time to do nothing’: Volunteers risk illness to deliver food to the needy


property values default required
listFormat listB none yes

Format: Collapsed chapters

This format is a scanner-optimized design and is well suited to timelines, FAQs and complex stories with discreet portion/segments. When a collapsed-format story load, each subhede is presented as large, bold text and the rest of the chapter is hidden from view. A presentation like this is an attmept to boost engagement with transactional readers — who are seeking specific information — and scanners – who might skim but not read an entire story.

Stories using this format must be written to this format. Traditionally, subhedes are short bits of composed prose, but this format should use longer, complete sentences. Some readers only will ever read the subhedes and should get a complete (if less detailed) experience.

This example uses the collapsed format as a FAQ project summary: Your guide to USA TODAY's investigation of Utah COVID-19 testing startup Nomi Health.

An article screenshot showing the collapsed-chapter format.


property values default required
listFormat collapse - yes
previewElements The number of elements (probably grafs, but not necessarily) that should be visible and readable even when the chapter is collapsed. Must be a positive integer 0 -
peekLines The number of lines of text that are visible in a faded/muted state. This is like a UX sneak peek. 0 -
toggleText The helper text prompt with the toggle all button "Click on a statement to open a section." -
toggleOpen The text for the button to toggle all chapters open "Open all" -
toggleClose The text for the button to toggle all chapters closed "Close all" -

enableShare is supported for this format, too.

Format: Default

The default format has no secondary text, just a header and the share buttons undeneath.

Example configuration

listFormat: collapse
enableShare: false
shareHeadline: Show this to others
peekLines: 2
themeColor: #ffefd5