
We want readers to share our work, but getting them do do so can take an extra little nudge. Enter the Shareline CTA.

At the most basic level, it's a simple Facebook share button. But this CTA takes custom action text so that we can craft a message telling the reader exactly why this is an article that absolutely must be shared.

But how to stand out from all of the other widgets on the page? As the reader scrolls the article to within one viewport height to the CTA, Shareline will pop up and lock itself to the bottom of the page, drawing the eye to sudden unexpected motion. Once the CTA's natural position is scrolled into view, the CTA will unlock and scroll with the rest of the article.


The same guidelines that apply to CTAs in general apply to the Shareline CTA. Additionally, the Presto story must have a Canonical URL.

Example configuration

storytellingComponent: shareline
sharelineText: Help other families protect their children by sharing this investigation

Note: Shareline doesn't work in the in-depth config editor preview due to a technical limitation with iframes. Open a preview in a new window to see it in action.

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