The In-Depth Editor

In-Depth stories offer producers a means of putting a new face on articles coming from Presto, providing a multitude of options to create a compelling experience for the reader: attention-grabbing story toppers, dressed up images and videos, eye-catching chapter headers, and more. The In-Depth Editor it what make this possible.

At its core, the In-Depth framework receives an article from Presto — where Web Template has been set to "Storytelling Studio" — and uses a configuration document to apply various templates and styles to the text, adding and replacing assets along the way. That document is written in the Config Input pane using a scripting language called ArchieML.

The production version of the editor can be found here. A staging version is available here. Both require that you have access through Okta.

The Workspace

In-depth workspace

key key key
1 Configuration input 9 Scroll-to-element-in-preview button 17 Device scale control
2 Collapse column button and save status 10 Preview 18 Device rotate button
3 Publish button 11 Refresh preview button 19 New Presto ID button
4 Assets/uploads panel 12 Open in Presto button 20 Copy Presto ID button
5 Collapse panel button 13 Open preview in new tab 21 Content source options
6 Asset type icon and preview 14 Open published URL 22 Simulation options
7 Copy configuration snipped button 15 Device mode toggle
8 Copy Presto ID button 16 Device select menu

Configuration Input

The Configuration Input is a simple text input in the left column of the editor — click to place the cursor and start typing away. Configs are auto-saved on a 2-second delay, meaning, stop typing for 2 seconds and your changes are automatically saved.

To expand the input vertically, click the Assets/Uploads bar atop the bottom pane. Click it again to expand the bottom pane.


Configs are written in a structured format called "ArchieML." A detailed understanding of ArchieML is not necessary, but for those interested, an introductory demo can be found at

The basic pattern is this:

property: value

Details for possible values found throughout this documentation.

We also recommend adding a comment above each individual asset config to make it easier to keep track of which asset is which. A comment is any text that isn't part of the structured config. The two forward slashes aren't necessary, but they are standard indicator that what follows is a comment.

// yearbook photo
layout: right-rail

Assets panel

Assets (images, videos, embeds, pullquotes, galleries, etc.) in the Presto story are listed in the Assets tab of the Assets/Uploads panel. Each asset includes a preview, an icon indicating its type and three buttons:


An unpublished asset can result in the dreaded "OH SNAP!" error page when trying to load an in-depth story. In the event that a story contains an unpublished asset, the editor will display a warning icon next to the Assets tab button.

Unpublished asset warning

Uploads panel

Uploads tab

Many in-depth components can be configured to use assets saved to a CDN (content delivery network). The Uploads tab offers controls to upload files from your desktop to the Storytelling CDN. Either drag a file to the drop target at the top of the pane or click Choose a file and select the file using the standard file dialog.

The input accepts .jpg, .png and .svg image files, .mp3 and .mp4 media files, .json and .txt data files and .vtt video/audio transcript files. The maximum file size is 25mb, though topper videos really need to be much smaller than that. After the file is uploaded, a preview will appear in the pane along with an icon indicating the assest type and a Copy file URL button to copy the CDN url for the asset to the clipboard for use in the Config Input.

The Remove file button doesn't actually delete the asset but merely hides it to help cut down clutter in the list. To view a file that has been "removed", click on Show removed files. Click on the Restore button of a removed file to move it back to the list of visible uploads.


The Preview pane displays the story with the config applied to it. The row of buttons and menus atop the preview pane work as follows:


Hold down the Command key (⌘) on Mac when you click the New Presto ID button to open a new editor in a new tab.

Device Mode

Device mode allows you to get an idea of what the story will look like on various iOS devices. Screen dimensions are listed and can be used as a reference for devices from other vendors.

There are three controls available in device mode:


Once you've added all the bells, whistles and audio quotes you can imagine to this thing, it's time to publish. The steps are:

1. Set story template in Presto

Uploads tab

Inside the Presto article there is a section in the right column called Pub info. From there you'll want to look under the Digital Heading click on the Web Template drop down and select Storytelling Studio.

Pub Info > Digital > Web Template > Storytelling Studio

Uploads tab

If the web template is not set to "Storytelling Studio", the Publish button will be replaced with a warning to that effect and a link to open the story in Presto.

2. In the config tool click Publish

Uploads tab

In the config tool, if you have set the Web Template to "Storytelling Studio" you can and must click the blue Publish button in order for the changes you've made in the configuration tool to take effect on the live story.

Successful "Publish" is noted by the Publish button being greyed out.

3. In Presto click publish

Once you've confirmed the blue Publish button was clicked in the configuration tool you're all set to click the green Publish button in Presto.


If the blue Publish button is not clicked in the configuration tool the story will appear still render as an in-depth story but with no topper and default values for all assets and chapter headers.