Ambient audio

Ambient audio expands the storytelling experience by playing selected audio clips as specified elements scroll into view. Triggers can be attached to chapter headers, images, pullquotes and embeds.

In-Depth Config: The configuration for all targets follows the same basic pattern.

title: Short title
loop: false

Required properties

Optional properties

Usage Guide: audio narration during segments of a story, background audio to introduce a story's section purpose

Demo link:

Distributed Platform: does not appear on distributed


Omniture tracking options: Generic click event on global playback [muteButton], pause/play on the persistent audio playback button [globalMuteButton] in the UI

Reader notification

When ambient audio is configured in a story, a notification call to action is added to the top of the story, alerting the reader to the audio and encouraging opt-in to the experience. Though configurable, the notification cannot be disabled. By default, the notification CTA appears at the top of the story, but it can be shifted down, if you would like the reader to get involved in the story before having to choose audio or not.

Configuring the notification

The notification uses a new {audio} block in the configuration panel with the following options:

Example configuration

ambientText: This story has cool noise.
ambientButtonEnableText: Have a listen
ambientButtonDisableText: Turn it off
ambientOffset: 3
ambientHideIcon: true