Audio Pull Quotes

An In-Depth audiogram

aka Audiograms

Presto-based pull quotes can can also be transformed with audio and an accompanying text track that updates the quote text in sync with the audio. The audiogram is an update of the now deprecated audio pullquote. At times, hearing a person's voice is more powerful than reading their words, and this tool (along with its text tracks) enables that in an visually compelling and accessible way.


value purpose required default
position Supports all standard positions No
layout Supports all standard layouts No
audioQuote Must be set to false Yes
audiogram Must be set to true Yes
audioSrc Absolute CDN URL to the associated audio file Yes
vttSrc Absolute CDN URL to the associated text track file Yes
autoplay If true, the audiogram will automatically start when it scrolls into view No
backgroundColor Will set the color behind the quote text to any valid CSS color No Article backgroundColor
backgroundImage Optional CDN link to a photo behind the audio visualization. Will be cropped to cover a 16x9 space. No
posterQuote The quote initially displayed before the audiogram starts playing. No Text of presto pullquote being swapped.
posterAttribution Optionally define the quote attribution initially displayed. No Attribution of the presto pullquote being swapped.

Example configuration


audiogram: true
audioQuote: false

Loaded with options

audiogram: true
audioQuote: false
posterQuote: This is the quote we want to display at first.
posterAttribution: Person said this
backgroundColor: #009bff
autoplay: true

Visually-enhanced audio pullquotes

To add an image or video to an audio pullquote, see Visually-enhanced display.

How do I make subtitles/captions?

The audiogram uses a web-standard file format called the Web Video Text Track (VTT). A VTT file is made up of cues, each with a start and end times and a voice tag with optional attribution. They can be edited in any text editor. You can use this website — — to validate your VTT files. When you are done, you can upload the file to the CDN using the In-Depth uploader

VTT example


00:01.000 --> 00:04.000
<v Abbott>Who's on first?

00:05.000 --> 00:09.000
<v Costello>That's what I want to find out.

00:09.000 --> 00:12.000
<v>[Audience laughter]

What about Google AMP and Apple News

Audiograms will not appear on distributed platforms. It is recommended to target a pullquote with the audiogram configuration so that the spirit of the content remains in the story.

Live Demos

There are lots of options. See them in the demos.

Published examples


Event Label Category Action
Scrolls into view in view scroll tracking audiogram
Play played content audiogram
Pause paused content audiogram
Restart restarted content audiogram