Image slider

Another fun image treatment, placed via asset swap, where two images are placed one on top of the other. The user can then switch between the two to see how they are the same and/or different. This is great for "then and now" photo pairs, such as pre- and post-disaster photos.

This component should target a presto image to swap. That presto image will appear on distributed platforms, so it should include both images somehow. The two images used for the slider should cropped to identical sizes/ratios.

In the configuration, before is the first image you see (the one on top). The after image is the one that is revealed (on the bottom). An initial animation, to catch the reader's eye, is triggered when the component is 25% up the viewport

An in-depth image slider showing an old New Orleans building — the Dew Drop Inn — and it's dilapidated current condition




property purpose
storytellingComponent slider
imageBefore Absolute paths to images on CDN.
imageBeforeAlt Well-written values for the image alt property. These should be descriptive of the specific image (for those who cannot see the it), not a photo caption.
imageAfter Absolute paths to images on CDN.
imageAfterAlt Well-written values for the image alt property. These should be descriptive of the specific image (for those who cannot see the it), not a photo caption.


property purpose default
method Adjusts the way the images slide/transition. Can be horizontal, vertical and fade horizontal
layout Supports all container classes. Use them at your own risk. center-well
position Supports all container classes. Use them at your own risk. None
headline Adds a label-sized headline above the image presentation None
chatter Adds body-text sized chatter above the image presentation, underneath the headline. None
labelBefore Adds label over the top photo None
labelAfter Adds label over the bottom photo None


storytellingComponent: slider
method: vertical
headline: A toggle example
chatter: This is chatter readout intro. Blah.
labelBefore: Yoda with scribbles
labelAfter: A clean Yoda
imageBeforeAlt: An in-depth slider showing Yoda, staring into the distance, with colorful scribbles obscuring him.
imageAfterAlt: An in-depth slider showing a clean view of Yoda staring into the distance in his swamp.