Gannett uses OmnyStudio to produce, manage and distribute lots of audio content, including podcasts and read-aloud articles. This audio can be added via <iframe> embeds exported from OmnyStudio. You will need work with an audio producer to get these codes.

An example of an embed in an In-Depth story


The embeds will work straight out of Presto, but with a little configuration can inherit the story styles, such as theme color. Each embed also can have colors set directly.


Omny embeds require 6-digit hex values for colors.

  • Yes: #009bff, #000000 or #ff0000
  • No: #009bf, #000 or #f00
value purpose required default
storytellingComponent omny Yes
themeColor Sets the button/interface color directly No. themeColor as defined in {theme}.
backgroundColor Sets the background color of the embed No. backgroundColor as defined in {theme}.
foregroundColor Sets the text color of the embed No. white or black depending on light or dark theme choice, set in {theme}.

Example configuration

themeColor: #00ff00
backgroundColor: #ff00ff
foregroundColor: #ffffff

Example embed

This goes in presto.

    title="Why NBA's coronavirus memo to players is only the beginning - 60 Second Sports"


No analytic events, yet. Omny tracks usage, though.

What about Google AMP, Apple News, etc.?

Because the iframes work as-is, they will carry over to distributed platforms.