
Videograms are essentially a mashup of pullquotes with media and audio pullquotes, a.k.a. audiograms. A videogram puts a muted, autoplaying video on the page and displays captions separate from the video — off to the side on desktop and stacked underneath on mobile. Overlaying the video is a mute/unmute button and a play/pause indicator. The video's play state can be toggled by clicking anywhere on the video itself.

Videogram component


value purpose required default
storytellingComponent Must be set to videogram true
media URL of a video clip on the CDN or the Presto id of a video asset. true
vttSrc URL of a .vtt file on the CDN. Required, unless a Presto id is used for media (see below).
layout Defaults to center-large or the full width of the window, but also accepts center-well. center-large
poster URL of an image on the CDN, ideally matching the aspect ratio of the video.
loop Determines whether a video starts playing from the beginning again once it has reach its end. true
posterText Text that will load when a video has ended. Requires either a poster value or loop set to false.
posterAttribution Attribution for posterText.
textAlign Text alignment of captions: left, center or right. left
captionSerif Determines whether caption is rendered in UnifySans or UnifySerif. true
attributionSerif Determines whether attribution is rendered in UnifySans or UnifySerif. false
captionItalic Determines whether caption is rendered in UnifySans or UnifySerif. false
attributionItalic Determines whether attribution is rendered in UnifySans or UnifySerif. false

Sample configuration

storytellingComponent: videogram
alignHorizontal: left
contentBackgroundColor: #a0522d

Visually-enhanced component config

Videograms inherit a number of configuration options from visually-enhanced elements, notably the supported video formats for media, but also contentBackgroundColor to set a custom color behind the captions, contentHorizontalAlign to swap the left-to-right order of the video and captions, mediaCover to force the video to fill the available space, and credit to display a, well, credit.

WebVTT files

Videograms use the same web-standard file format for Web Video Text Tracks (VTT) that audiograms use. For videos that you upload to the CDN through the in-depth editor, you'll have to create your own file and upload that through the editor, but for videos configured with a Presto id, you can choose to leave the vttSrc option blank, in which case the component will fetch the .vtt file auto-generated when the video is uploaded in Presto. If the auto-generated file has too many mistakes, it's possible to download a copy of it by copying the Presto id into this url:<PRESTO-ID>.vtt You can then make the necessary edits and upload that file for use with the component.

Poster image and text

If poster is set to the URL of an image on the CDN, the video will play through once, then leave the last caption on the screen and load the poster image. The user can restart it by clicking on the video. For best results, the poster image should match the aspect ratio of the video. To show something other than the last caption, use the posterText and posterAttribution options. Those options can also be used in the absence of a poster image by setting loop to false.

Reader notification

Videograms will autoplay by default, but because of browser autoplay policies, they must be muted. To urge readers to unmute them, we automatically add a notification call to action at the top of the story encouraging them to opt-in to the experience. The noticiation uses the same options as ambient audio.


Event Label Category Action
Play played content videogram
Pause paused content videogram
Mute toggled audio off from <source> content videogram
Unmute toggled audio on from <source> content videogram