
Videos render with a headline, a caption and a credit. There are options available to affect the position and stacking order of the headline, caption and video, as well as the text alignment and visibility of the headline, caption and credit.


value purpose required default
position Supports all standard positions
layout Supports all standard layouts
textPosition Determines stacking order of video, headline and caption: default, top or split default
textAlign Align the headline, caption and credit to the left, right or center left
hideHeadline Suppress rendering of the headline false
hideCaption Suppress rendering of the caption false
hideCredit Suppress rendering of the credit false
loopingPoster URL of a short video clip on the CDN. There is no set length — just use something that catches the eye but is a quick file load.

Looping poster images

The standard video player displays a static image, or "poster", before the play button is clicked. This feature adds the option to substitute an autoplaying silent video clip instead.

Text position

The main configurable option with videos is text placement, with three choices:

Default Top Split
Headline and caption below video Headline and caption above video Headline above video, caption below

Example configurations

position: right-large
hideHeadline: true
hideCaption: true
textPosition: split
layout: center-large
textPosition: split

Video playlists

Video playlists are supported, and will appear with a carousel of related videos underneath a main player. Add them in Presto like you would any other asset.

What about Google AMP and Apple News?

Videos will appear in a conventional video player.

Published examples


Event Label Category Action
Player / Playlist scrolls into view in view scroll tracking video player/video playlist
Playlist carousel navigation video playlist {advance/back} navigation video playlist