
We can automatically load a new In-Depth story when you reach the end of a story. This allows the reader to seamlessly move through a series without recirculation modules or landing pages.

Another in-depth story

Next Story Config

nextStoryAssetId: 2846566002

Note: nextStoryAssetId will load the story as an In-Depth story, even if the story you put in the configuration isn't. This may lead to a weird experience so we recommend using extreme caution. nextStoryAssetId needs to be placed in the {theme} configuration block.

We now recommend most In-Depth stories have at least one Next Up configured.

In some cases, you will need to specify a site code for the next story (for example, if a JOA limits content sharing between sites):

nextStorySiteCode: PDTN
nextStoryAssetID: <presto id>

Next Up Roadblock

If you're building a chain of In-Depth stories using Next Up, you might make the first story free and subsequent stories subscriber-only. In that case, you can enable a roadblock that will display a short preview for non-subscribers before directing them to an offers page.

This is a new feature and needs to be explicitly turned on to work. This may change in the future.

In-Depth config:

This configuration goes in the first subscriber only story.

label: This content is available for subscribers only
headline: Subscribe now to read the rest of the series
buttonText: Subscribe
buttonURL: /specialoffer?gps-source=INDEPTHCUSTOMCTA&itm_medium=onsite&itm_source=storytellingStudio&itm_campaign=YearOfTheSnake
limit: 4
enable: true

Next Up roadblock

Required properties and options:

Value Purpose Default Required
enable turn on the roadblock; defaults to true true Yes
label text above the roadblock headline No
headline main headline on the roadblock No
buttonText text on the button No
buttonURL point to an offers page (will auto-generate if blank) No
limit how many paragraphs to show before the roadblock No
seriesHeader series title title field in the series JSON file No
seriesSubheader override the default subheading in the series roadblock "This series includes:" No

Note: The seriesHeader and seriesSubheader options only affect stories configured as part of a series.

See it in action

Use series configuration

More options, including boosting local stories, are available when using series configuration.

Standalone interactives

Some standalone interactive stories and pages can be used in Next Up.

To work, the target page must have a JSON version available, formatted like a Universal Web respsonse. Here's an example JSON file:

Example configuration


This is an advanced option and will often require coordination with the Storytelling Studio, and/or with whoever built the target page.

Starting from a standalone interactive

Some standalone interactive projects can be configured to Next Up into an In Depth story (or another standalone, though this is less common).

For example, a graphic novel can use a Presto ID (and optoinally a site code) to scroll into an In Depth story.

Similar options are available for Cast of Characters.

For one-off projects, consult the Storytelling Studio to figure out what's possible.