Series Configuration

It's possible to group series configuration in one place, using a {series} block and a JSON file. This series data will be used for Next Up stories and in the Next Up roadblock.

The {series} block should be configured for each story in a series. The advantage here is that the same block can be copied into each story. When the underlying JSON file is updated, every story will get the same update at once.

Main Configuration:


Required properties and options

Value Purpose Required
url A URL pointing to a JSON file on the CDN Yes

About the JSON

One way to create a series in In-Depth is to create a single JSON file listing all elements in a project.

The main JSON

value purpose required default
title A short name or project title No. -
image Some components that display series data will use an overview image for the project. This should be an absolute URL to an image on the CDN. No. -
boostLocal If true then stories in this project deemed "local" to the reader will be served up before others. No. false
boostLocalState If true then stories from the same state as the reader will be served up before others. No. false
items A list, or array/[], of story items. Yes -


Each item in the items array supports these properties. Not all components that use series data will use all of them.

value purpose required default
label An optional kicker to be displayed above the main story headline. No. -
image Most, but not all, series components use a story image. Supply one here as an absolute URL to the CDN. No. -
title The article headline Yes -
link The absolute URL to the article or content Yes -
prestoID Some stories can be provided as a presto ID No -
buttonText . The link button text. No "Read more"
isPrimaryStory If set to true, the article will be treated as a mainbar when boostLocal is in use No false
isSportsPlus Use for premium sports stories; if set to true, the article will get a "FOR SUBSCRIBERS" label and the Sports+ icon. No false
isLive Some components will display "coming soon" links (which must be supplied by link url) No -


Save your JSON file with a .json extension and upload using the In-Depth editor file uploader. The uploaded JSON file should look like this:

    "title": "The Migrants",
    "image": "",
    "boostLocal": true,
    "boostLocalState": true,
    "items": [
            "label": "Story",
            "image": "",
            "title": "One deadly week reveals where the immigration crisis begins — and where it ends",
            "link": "",
            "prestoID": "2022670001",
            "buttonText": "Read more",
            "isPrimaryStory": true
            "label": "Story in Spanish",
            "image": "",
            "title": "Una semana mortal revela dónde comienza la crisis migratoria - y dónde termina",
            "link": "",
            "buttonText": "Leer más",
            "skipNextUp": true
            "label": "Story",
            "image": "",
            "title": "College football boosters help propel 'arms race' for coaches. It's out of control.",
            "link": "",
            "buttonText": "Read more",
            "isSportsPlus": true


If you get errors trying to upload the file, try checking your data for mistakes/errors using any of the myriad JSON tools available online, such as JSONLint. The necessary formatting/syntax is specific in certain ways and writing data like this can be tricky. Don't hesitate to reach out in the In-Depth channel in Microsoft Teams for help.

Next Up with series configuration

When using the {series} block, Next Up will automatically be configured for each story. A reader starting on the first story will see each part of the series in the order defined in the JSON file (unless that story has "skipNextUp": true set).

Move local stories to the front of the line

For a network-wide series that contains one or more local stories, it's possible to move the local stories to the front of the line so that they load next. For example, a Storyline created in Presto with several stories and a single story near the end would load the story first. To accomplish that, the boostLocal variable can be configured in the series data JSON or in the series configuration in In-Depth, but the JSON value is preferred.

For regional or national series, it may be helpful to the reader to see stories about their own state's affairs first. Use the boostLocalState switch in the JSON to configure that. Then, if a series includes stories from in Pennsylvania and in New Jersey, a reader from would see the story next.

To make sure a more important story is queued up next before local stories, such as one or more mainbar stories, label them with isPrimaryStory in the series data JSON file.

With all these different domains, you don't have to worry about users hitting paywalls on other sites. We automatically switch article links to relative links so their home subscription unlocks other articles in the series.

Value Purpose Required
isPrimaryStory Set to "true" to load this story first No
boostLocal Set it to "true" to load local stories first, but after primary stories No
boostLocalState Set it to "true" to load same-state stories after local stories No

Skipping stories

In the above JSON file, the Spanish version is excluded from the Next Up sequence. Set "skipNextUp": true to take a story out of the Next Up chain.

Series roadblock

When using the Next Up roadblock and {series} configuration together, the roadblock will show additional stories in the series as a way to highlight the value of a subscription.

Series roadblock

This adds additional configuration options to the Next Up roadblock:

Value Purpose Default Required
enable turn on the roadblock; defaults to true true Yes
label text above the roadblock headline No
headline main headline on the roadblock No
buttonText text on the button No
buttonURL point to an offers page (will auto-generate if blank) No
limit how many paragraphs to show before the roadblock No
seriesHeader series title title field in the series JSON file No
seriesSubheader override the default subheading in the series roadblock "This series includes:" No

See Next Up roadblock for more on the non-series roadblock options.