Series Carousel

Note: JSON URLs do not have to be relative, since links are checked and transformed to absolute values, if need be, before being used. Links to each article will also be transformed to relative links, so users won't hit paywalls for properties they don't subscribe to.

Required properties and options

Value Purpose Required
storytellingComponent Use series-recirc to insert this module Yes
jsonUrl Supplies data to populate the recirc carousel Yes
useSeries Set to true to use configured series data as data source. Overrides jsonUrl, but one is required. No
theme Display in light or dark theme No
backgroundImage Display a background image No
backgroundColor Background color No
textColor Text color No

JSON format

If you choose to configure the component with jsonUrl, the targeted JSON file should be an array of items, following the pattern explained in the Stories/Items section of the Series Configuration page.

Example config:

storytellingComponent: series-recirc
jsonUrl: cdn/path/to/json/file.json
theme: dark
backgroundImage: cdn/path/to/background/image.jpg
backgroundColor: red
textColor: blue



Distributed platform appearance: does not appear