Vertical Series List

This module presents Storylline packages of links in a more compact, vertical design, positioned in the article rail. At it's simplest, it merely restyles a Storyline embed added to a Presto story. It's versatility lies in asset replacement: Confgure it on an image, an embed, a list or a chapter header.

Article links will be transformed to relative links so users won't hit paywalls on news sites they don't subscribe to.

Required properties and options

Value Purpose Required
storytellingComponent Use verticalRecirc to enable this module Yes
storylineID Copy from Presto. Required for non-Storyline embeds, images, lists and chapter headers. Yes
jsonUrl Data to populate this module (required if not using storylineID or useSeries) No
useSeries Overrides storylineID and jsonUrl to use configured series data as data source. No
position Options: left or right. Defaults to right. No
verticalRecircImage URL to an image on the CDN. No
textColor Text color No
backgroundColor Background color No
boostLocal Set to true to move stories with the same domain as the current page to the top of the list. if useSeries is true, series value for boostLocal applies here. No

JSON format

If you choose to configure the component with jsonUrl, the targeted JSON file should be an array of items, following the pattern explained in the Stories/Items section of the Series Configuration page.

Example config

textColor: lightblue
backgroundColor: green
storytellingComponent: verticalRecirc
storylineID: 1811122001
position: left



Distributed platform appearance: appears as swapped asset