
In-Depth offers multiple layouts for toppers which can be used to create nearly inifinite number of unique experiences.


This is the default topper layout, which layers a shallow visual above the headline.

desktop mobile
A flat topper with a n image of a young boy looking into the camera A mobile flat topper with a n image of a young boy looking into the camera

Sample configuration

layout: flat

Text on the top

An alternative layout swaps the positions of the headline/text and visual.

desktop mobile
A flat topper with an image of a grocery store shelf of drinks and a person looking at them A mobile flat topper with an image of a grocery store shelf of drinks and a person looking at them
layout: flat-text-top


No media

A topper does not require a visual element, though a strong visual punch at the beginning of a story is strongly encouraged. Toppers with no visual configured (image or video) are well suited for stories with large illustrations or immersive interactives at the beginning of the article body.

There is no layout to configure in these instances, so leave it and any visual configuration blank.

desktop mobile
A no-media topper with images of letters written in Chinese A mobile no-media topper with images of letters written in Chinese



A large visual plays mostly fullscreen with a subtle color gradient extending up from the bottom for text legibility. The main visual seamlessly blends into the story background. This is the original topper design.

desktop mobile
A gradient topper with an image closely-cropped to a man's face
value purpose default
layout Set to gradient
hideGradient If set to true, the gradient overlay will not display, but the overall height of the topper will remain the same false
headlinePlacement Supports text placement, as described here. None
bumpDeck Supports bumpDeck, as described here. None

Sample configuration

layout: gradient
bumpDeck: mobile
headlinePlacement: top-left



The fullscreen layout sets the image or video height to 100 percent of the viewport, makes the navigation bar background transparent (returning to opaque upon scroll) and adds a scroll prompt icon to the bottom of the page. Topper text can be positioned vertically for optimal presentation of the media.

The fullscreen topper uses a clickable icon to encourage readers to scroll beyond the topper.


Fullscreen toppers, by their very nature, crop the images to fit device screens, meaning portions of the visual on the edges are likely to be clipped. Not all visuals are suited to this variability, so be sure to check on a variety of devices, including mobile devices and very wide screens, too.

desktop mobile
A fullscreen topper with an image of a man looking to camera A mobile-sized fullscreen topper with an image of a man looking to camera
value purpose default
layout Set to fullscreen
textShadow The headline text has a slight, css-based drop shadow. Pass in a new, valid css value to alter it. 0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.5)
scrollPrompt Define the shape of the icon in the scroll prompt. Options: icon for an animated icon, arrow arrow
headlinePlacement Supports text placement, as described here. None
bumpDeck Supports bumpDeck, as described here. None

Sample configuration

layout: fullscreen
bumpDeck: true
headlinePlacement: right-bottom





desktop mobile
A side-by-side topper with an image of a woman looking to camera A mobile-sized side-by-side topper with an image of a woman looking to camera
value purpose default
layout Set to side-by-side
bumpDeck Supports bumpDeck, as described here. None

Sample configuration

layout: side-by-side

Text on the left

A variation of this topper swaps the positions of the text and visual

desktop mobile
A side-by-side topper with an orange illustration A mobile-sized side-by-side topper with an orange illustration
layout: side-by-side-text-left



Similar to the gradient topper, the noth features a large main visual with the text partially overlapping it. The notch topper displays as flat on mobile devices.

desktop mobile
A notch topper with an image of band the White Stripes performing A mobile-sized flat topper with an image of band the White Stripes performing

Sample configuration

layout: notch
