Storytelling Studio Quiz App

What do you know about the Storytelling Studio's quiz framework? Use a quiz as an engaging alternative story format. Catch your readers up on a big project, or give them an entertaining synopsis. Quizzes can be limited to registered users and/or subscribers.


Quizzes require an assist from the Storytelling Studio. If you would like to add a quiz to your project, contact us.

Creating quizzes

A quiz begins with a project slug and a spreadsheet containing two tabs:

  1. A metadata tab, (similar to an in-depth config) with a slug date, called {slug}-top.
  2. A questions tab, also limited to the options listed here: {slug}-questions.


Replace {slug} with the actual project slug in the tab name


Like many Storytelling Studio projects, quizzes use an extension to publish. There are two options:

A screenshot of Google Spreadsheet, with the publishing extension highlighted

Publishing can take up to five minutes to complete — or longer for projects with lots of quizzes. To publish, select the mode you want and wait 5 minutes. If your quiz doesn't show up (or expected changes/updates are not present), then try it again. If it still isn't working, then reach out to the Storytelling Studio in the Quizzes channel in Teams.


All quizzes in a spreadsheet will publish at the same time.

Publishing for the first time

The first time you do this on any individual spreadsheet, you might need to authorize the publishing functions. This is expected and 100% safe. After authorizing, select the publishing link again. This is a quirk of Google spreadsheets.

Working ahead

All quizzes in a spreadsheet will publish/preview anytime that process is triggered. Unpublishing is not a supported feature right now. Contact the Storytelling Studio to have a public quiz removed.

To work ahead on quizzes that are not ready for publication, add an underscore to the one of the tab's name (i.e. _2022-05-20-top instead of 2022-05-20-top). To publish, a quiz must have matching tab names. Making one of them different will prevent this.

The ability to unpublish quizzes and publish specific quizzes (versus the whole project) might arrive in a future update to the framework, but for now make sure any quiz that is not ready for the public is not publishable.

The metadata tab

The main options are set here. Two columns are required, one labeled key and another value. Subsequent columns (such as "note" or "other") are allowed and will not publish. These would be your scratch pads

More details here

The questions tab

This is where your questions are written and edited. Columns are used in different combinations based on the desired type. Required columns are question,type,blurb,question_image,question_image_alt_text,question_image_caption,question_image_credit,hint,a,image_a,b,image_b,c,image_c,d,image_d,answer,context,related_link,related_headline. Other columns are allowed, but their names should begin with an underscore (i.e. _notes).

More details here