Configuring quizzes
All of these options can be set globally, and overwritten on a per-quiz basis. Collect these values in the top
tab of your spreadsheet.
Required information
All quizzes require the following metadata. There are no defaults.
value | purpose |
title |
The SEO-friendly page title. |
ssts |
Ads and stuff. |
share_image |
A presto ID or absolute URL to an image on the CDN. |
share_headline |
The main headline to be used on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. |
date_published |
Should be set in the Google spreadsheet as a date. |
date_updated |
Should be set in the Google spreadsheet as a date, too, but can just be =Now() . This will set the updated date to any time the quiz is republished. |
url_slug |
The well-thought-out, SEO-friendly url ending for the quiz. |
Unless otherwise stated, images can be provided as a Presto ID or an absolute URL to an image on the CDN. When using presto images, the caption and credit also are pulled, but can be overwritten in the spreadsheet as described below. When using CDN URLs directly, then the spreadsheet is the only way to provide this information.
Optional options
value | purpose | default |
quiz_title |
A kicker/label above the headline. This would be good for a project name | None |
headline |
The headline for humans. This is displayed on the splash screen. Will default to the title. Be careful not to get too wordy. Long headlines create awkward and sub-optimal reading experiences, especially on mobile. | title value |
deck |
A brief introduction | None |
byline |
A comma-seperated list of people getting credit for the quiz. | None |
require_registration |
If set to yes then the splash screen will not let a user start the quiz until they've logged in. Un-logged-in quiztakers will be presented with Sign-up and Sign-in links instead of a start button. |
no |
display_ads |
If set to no then ads will not display. |
yes |
sponsored |
If set to yes then the proper markup to recieve a sponsored ad will be added to the splash topper. |
no |
Theme options
Visual styling can be set in the spreadsheet, if desired, with the following:
value | purpose | default |
theme_color |
Any valid css color will do. Sets the color for UI elements such as buttons. | USAT blue/#009bff |
theme_color_text |
The text color with a background of the theme color. Any css color will work, but if there is not enough contrast, then black or white (which ever offers more accessilbilty) will be used instead. | White, per USAT brand guidelines. |
color_background |
The main background color of the page (the margins, not the centered quiz portion). Any css color will work. | navyblue |
color_background_quiz |
The main background color of the centered quiz portion. Any css color will work. | white |
color_font |
The primary text color. Can be any CSS color, but must provide enough contrast to the color_background_quiz . Black or white will be used in these circumstances. |
#222 ._ |
Splash screen
All quiztakers, logged-in or not, will see the splash screen.
value | purpose | default |
splash_image |
A presto ID or an absolute URL to an image on the CDN. | None |
splash_image_alt_text |
A description of the image used, for quiztakers who rely on screen readers. The image will not appear if this is not set. This field is strongly recommended, but not required, if using a Presto ID for the image. | None |
splash_image_caption |
Optional image caption. Can be used to overwrite Presto captions. | None |
splash_image_credit |
Required image credit. Can be used to overwrite Presto credits. | None |
display_leaderboard_splash |
If set to yes , a quiz leaderboard will appear on the splash view. |
no |
Good, descriptive alt text is required for virtually all images, which will not render without it. When using Presto IDs, if no alt text is written in the spreadsheet, then the photo caption will be used in its place. This is not good, but better than nothing, so please write alt text in the spreadsheet. As with caption and credit, alt text is required in the spreadsheet when using CDN URLs.
Score summary screen
The score summary view can present quiztakers with a CTA, to encourage them to click one more time
value | purpose | default |
display_leaderboard_summary |
If set to yes , a quiz leaderboard will appear on the summary view. |
no |
Call to action
A link to other content can be presented to quiztakers through a call to action, visible at the beginning and end of the quiz experience.
value | purpose | required | default |
cta_headline |
The main text of the CTA. This is the clickable link. | Yes | None |
cta_link |
The destination of the CTA. Will open in a new window or tab. | Yes | None |
cta_description |
Secondary text. Keep it brief. A full-length tweet will be too long. | No | None |
cta_image |
Thumbnail-sized image, to the left of the text. | No | None |
cta_image_alt_text |
Good, descriptive alt text | Yes, if using image | None |
cta_display_splash |
If set to yes , the cta will appear on the login/splash screen |
No | no |
cta_display_summary |
If set to yes , the cta will appear on the summary/score screen |
No | no |