A quiz must have at least one question. Write them in the questions
tab of your spreadsheet.
Multiple choice
At this point, only multiple_choice
is supported. This includes true/false. A layout variant — multiple_choice_longform
— is available in the questions spreadsheet and only triggers some small css changes to allow for longer response options. It is identical to multiple choice in every other respect.
Required configuration
value | purpose | default |
type |
multiple_choice or multiple_choice_longform |
None |
question |
The text of the question. Think of this as a headline. Should be less than a tweet | 140 chars max, but ~70 chars is ideal. |
Responses (also required)
Multiple choice questions accept up to four potential responses, lettered a
through d
value | purpose | default |
a |
The text value from which the quiztaker will choose. | None |
image_a |
An optional image, set as the background of the response button. | None |
Only one response can be the correct answer and it must be noted in the answer
column by using the letter of the column. If c
is the answer, then put the letter c
value | purpose | default |
blurb |
An optional readout, in normal body font style. Should be complementary to the question . To keep each question view vertically concise, it's probably best not to use this with an image. This is a full HTML field, so embed codes (YouTube, Soundcloud, etc.) will work here. |
None |
question_image |
Can be a presto ID or a CDN image. Image displays underneath the question text. Requires alt text to render. | None |
question_image_alt_text |
The required alternative text for the image. The image will not render without it. If using a presto ID for the image, this field is not required. | None |
question_image_caption |
If the image needs a caption. Can be used to overwrite presto captions if using a presto ID for the image. | None |
question_image_credit |
If you want a credit for the image. Can be used to overwrite presto credits if using a presto ID for the image. | None |
hint |
If you want stumped quiztakers to get a little extra help, filling out this field will cause a hint button to appear. When clicked, the button will display this text. Hints are noted in the question response payload. | None |
For the end-of-quiz score summary scree
value | purpose | default |
context |
In the summary view, this is extra information about the questions topic and answer. | |
related_link |
A recirculation link, to be displayed underneath the context, where a quiztaker can learn more about the question topic. | |
related_headline |
Link text. Defaults to "Learn more about this" |
Guess the Photo
Show the reader a blurry photo and a clue. They have five tries to guess correctly while time ticks on. After each guess, the photo unblurs a little and the reader (might) get another clue.
There are no changes to the standard spreadsheet format, but some of the columns have a different purpose.
Spreadsheet column | Purpose | Required |
question |
This is the main prompt/clue for the quiztaker. It will be displayed as soon as the the "begin" button is clicked. | Yes |
blurb |
This text is displayed to the reader before they start the quiz (in a visual format identical to the question). This should include instructions for the quiztaker to understand what to do. | Yes, to offer instructions |
question_image |
This is the main image. Obviously, this is important. Can be a presto ID or CDN url. | Yes |
question_image_alt_text |
Good descriptive alt text is required, but be sure not to give away the answer. | Yes |
question_image_caption |
Optional rewrite of the photo caption. Caption will display only on the summary view. | Yes, for CDN link. |
question_image_credit |
Optional rewrite of the photo credit. | Yes, for CDN link. |
a , b , c , d |
Additional prompts/clues can be added here, up to four (obviously). The prompt in a will display after the first guess, d after the fourth guess, etc. |
- |
answer |
The correct answer as it should display in the summary. For checking responses, this is case insensitive. | Yes. |
image_a , image_b , etc. |
No function for this question type | - |
max_guesses |
Limit the number of quesses a quiztaker can make before the question reponses is deemed incorrect. This will default to 5. Let's not mess with this unless were are testing a clear hyopthesis. It is important to make sure any reference to total guesses in the blurb matches what is set here. |
Default: 5 |
hint |
Same as multiple choice, but the hint mechanism for the a - d columns might be more appropriate. Probably don't want to use both. |
- |
context |
Same as multiple choice. | - |
related_link |
Same as multiple choice. | - |
related_headline |
Same as multiple choice. | - |